събота, 20 юли 2013 г.

Cure Cellulite With These 5 Home Exercises

We all know that there are different factors contributing to cellulite. The fact is that even skinny people have it, which is supposed to make it more of a skin condition, than a matter of physical conditioning right? Wrong!

The fact is that cellulite is fat, a little different than the other fat deposits in your body, but still FAT. And if I ask you right now- What are the two major ways to get rid of fat? I am sure you would answer "proper diet and exercising". Although, there are other effective methods for dealing with cellulite like certain herbs and natural creams, still the most effective methods are eating the right foods in the right time and doing the right amount of the right exercises. In this post we are going to focus on 5 cellulite reducing exercises that will get you ready for your summer bikini!

1.  Around The Clock Lunges

Your goal is to perform 3 sets of 15 reps if you are able to. As with any other exercises in this list, you should build your strength and stamina at your own pace. There is nothing worse to your motivation than setting unrealistic goals from the get go- remember- baby steps!

This exercise will work your thighs, quads, glutes and hamstrings. To perform a clock lunge you need to start by doing a lung to the front with your right foot, then to the right, then to the back and finally a lunge to the left. Got it? Haha, I know this wasn't much of an explanation and thats why I've posted a video for you that will make it much clearer.

2. Goblet Squats

Again your long term aim is 3 sets of 15

This exercise targets many muscle groups, among which the quads, thighs, glutes and hamstrings. To perform a goblet squat you have to hold a heavy object to your chest and squat... for the moms out there- your kids might do in the beginning! Although the exercises is pretty straightforward, I've prepared a video for it

3.  Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts

3 sets of 15 reps

Here you perform a straight leg deadlift, only this time you do it with one leg in the air. The targeted muscle groups are the hamstrings. Have a look at the video.

4. Single Leg Supine Hip Extension

Your aim is 3 sets of 15 reps

You perform this glute exercise by laying on your back with your arms to the sides. Keeping your left leg straight and your right knee bent, rise the left leg a few inches... you know what, let's go straight to the video

5. Burpees

3 sets of 12

The last exercises on our list is a full body ultimate calorie burner. Its a great combination of a jump, squat and push-up. Here is the video

These 5 basic exercises alone will not get rid of cellulite for you, however they are a vital part of the process.

To take it to the next step you can try the Kick-Butt Cellulite Redux program. It is not a weight loss or a gym program, but a training schedule based on home exercises designed specifically to get rid of cellulite and is great for people who are skeptical towards creams, massages and other types of treatments.

With this program you will receive a great eBook with tons of great information about cellulite and how to cure it, videos with training routines targeting cellulite, and also bonus videos on how to tone your stomach and arms. Oh I almost forgot, one very valuable thing about the eBook you'll be getting is that it contains in-depth information about the latest cellulite reduction scams- this alone will save you a ton of cash.

There are many more things included in the program, but why don't you hear about it from Joey Atlas (certified personal trainer and author of the program) himself- Click here to watch Joey's very entertaining video and learn more about this amazing cellulite reducing system.

сряда, 3 юли 2013 г.

Cellulite Creams Don't Work! Use These 3 Natural Tips That Really Remove Cellulite!

Cellulite. It's the curse of many women, as well as an increasingly growing number of men. If fact, it's become so commonplace, that many people now think cellulite is a natural consequence of aging.

But it's not.

Yet, despite what so many believe, there is something you can do about it.

And the answer is waiting for you, right in your kitchen! In this report, we'll reveal what it is and explain why it works.

Forget About Cellulite Creams

Given how common cellulite is, many cosmetic companies sell creams that they claim help to diminish cellulite and firm up buttocks and thighs. Such creams sell well, despite their expensive costs. But there is only one problem with them.

They don't work!

This fact was proven by research conducted by an independent group of scientist at the prestigious John Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. The researchers tested a variety of the most common creams and other so-called cellulite-reducing protects. Based on their evaluation, the researchers concluded that not a single product worked as advertised. In short, they were a complete waste of money. Despite their findings, millions of women in the U.S. continue to spend millions of dollars on these expensive products hope to get rid of unsightly cellulite.

So What's A Poor Girl (and Guy) To Do?

To deal with cellulite effectively you need to address its underlying causes: an increased ratio of body fat to lean muscle mass, and congestion of the lymphatic system.

Reducing your body's overall percentage of fat requires a dedicated program of exercise along with proper diet. The best type of exercise program is one that combines stretching, aerobics, and weight resistance training. All three types of exercises are important, especially weight resistance training, which can help you to quickly start to reduce the ratio of fat to lean muscle tissue in your body due to the increase in lean muscle mass and reduction of fatty tissue that weight training results in. In addition, research shows that regular weight training (2 or three times each week) also helps to boost metabolism, levels. This, in turn, makes it easier for your body to more easily and efficiently burn calories that would to otherwise get stored as fat.

For more details on cellulite reducing exercises and routines you can have a look at

Note: Before beginning any type of exercise program, always consult with your doctor.

A healthy diet is one that includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, along with lean meat, poultry and wild caught fish, as well as a limited amount of complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains legumes. Fatty foods should make up no more than 20 percent of your daily food intake, and should only include healthy, unsaturated fats. (Saturated animal fats are also permissible to a lesser extent.) Avoid all processed and "junk" foods, and also avoid eating protein foods in the evening, as this can cause an increased buildup of fibroid proteins in the lymphatic system.

In addition, be sure to drink plenty of pure, unfiltered water throughout the day, as water is essential for flushing out toxins from your body, including your lymphatic system. Avoid unhealthy beverages, such as soft drinks, commercial fruit and vegetable juices (which are high in sugar and/or sodium, as well as other additives), and alcohol.

By following these recommendations consistently, over time you will start to see improvements not only in the amount of cellulite you have on your body, but also in your overall health.

But what can you do to speed up the process of cellulite reduction?

Get Your Lymph Flowing

As mentioned above, cellulite is also due to congestion in the body's lymphatic system. The main component of the lymphatic system is lymph. The lymphatic system is often overlooked when it comes to maintaining good health but it shouldn't be. That's because the lymphatic system acts as your body's filtration system. In this capacity, it targets toxins and invading germs, encapsulating them within the lymph so that they do not spread further into the body. As a result, your lymphatic system is closely related to your body's immune system.

A good example of the lymphatic system in action is the swollen glands along the neck that often occur when a person develops a sore throat or cold. This swelling is actually due to your body's lymphatic system targeting and encapsulating the germs that cause such illnesses before they can do further damage.

When the lymphatic system is operating efficiently, it filters out the encapsulated toxins and germs via the urine. But when the lymphatic system becomes congested, this process becomes impaired, making it increasingly difficult for your body to effectively deal with these harmful invaders, and placing an increasing strain on the immune system. In addition, congested lymph flow can lead to cellulite over time.

Fortunately, there are a number of easy steps you can take to help maintain healthy lymphatic function. In addition to drinking plenty of water each day to help to keep lymph flowing, one of the easiest and most enjoyable ways to avoid and reverse lymph congestion is to spend ten or twenty minutes bouncing on a mini-trampoline, also known as a rebounder. Rebounding exercise has been proven to be one of the most effective ways of improving lymph function and can be a lot of fun compared to other types of exercise.

Another excellent way to keep lymph flowing – and therefore also reduce cellulite – is massage, something you can do on your own, or with the help of your spouse or partner. And that's where your kitchen comes in!

Banish Cellulite With Vegetable Oil

Congested lymph flow is due in large part to impaired circulation in the body. Cellulite forms in the areas of the body is which circulation is most impaired. Research has for many years confirmed that one of the most effective ways to improve circulation is massage. Therefore, it makes sense that massaging areas of the body affected by cellulite should also be helpful for cellulite reduction, and that's exactly what health and beauty experts are discovering. In fact, daily massaging areas of your body affected by cellulite may be best thing you can do to banish unsightly bumps and dimples!

While massage alone can be helpful, its benefits for reducing cellulite can be dramatically improved by the use of simple vegetable oil, which you most likely have in your kitchen pantry right now.

Here's how you can make use of this easy yet powerful solution. Apply vegetable oil (any type will work – olive, safflower, sunflower, etc.) to your thighs and buttocks and then massage each area each night before you got to bed for at least ten minutes. Then do the same thing to your calves. When you are done, wash off the oil from your body, or take a soothing bath or relaxing shower.

That's all there is to it! By using vegetable oil to daily massage the areas of your body affected by cellulite, you will quickly improve the circulation in those areas, and also enhance lymph flow. And before you know it, you will start noticing that those annoying cellulite bumps and dimples are being rubbed away, leaving you with smooth, healthier skin. You can also have your spouse or partner administer your massage. If you do, don't be surprised if you also start to have more fun in your bedroom!

To take it to the next step you can try the Kick-Butt Cellulite Redux program.

It is not a weight loss or a gym program, but a training schedule based on home exercises designed specifically to get rid of cellulite and is great for people who are skeptical towards creams, massages and other types of treatments.

With this program you will receive a great eBook with tons of great information about cellulite and how to cure it, videos with training routines targeting cellulite, and also bonus videos on how to tone your stomach and arms. Oh I almost forgot, one very valuable thing about the eBook you'll be getting is that it contains in-depth information about the latest cellulite reduction scams- this alone will save you a ton of cash.

There are many more things included in the program, but why don't you hear about it from Joey Atlas (certified personal trainer and author of the program) himself- Click on the button below to watch Joey's very entertaining video and learn more about this amazing cellulite reducing system.

Eliminate Cellulite By Stimulating Your Lymphatic System

Ever noticed that slim people also get cellulite? Cellulite is not just an accumulation of fat cells, it’s a combination of wastes, toxins and fat that had accumulated below the skin due to poor circulation especially of the Lymphatic system which runs just below the surface area of the skin. The good news is that by stimulating the circulation and removing excess wastes from the Lymph fluid the appearance of cellulite can be dramatically improved within a couple of weeks resulting in a stronger immune system.

The Lymph fluid flows in one direction under the surface of the skin from the hands and feet through the main filters (lymph nodes) upward to the base of the neck where the subclavian veins release it back into circulation as plasma in the blood.

It is estimated that about 2-3 liters of Lymph fluid move through the Lymphatic system everyday and there are about 600-700 Lymph nodes that work by releasing Lymphocytes to destroy harmful toxins and to purify and filter the Lymph fluid. The Lymph nodes may be as small as a pin, others as large as an olive and are primarily located in the neck, under the armpits, in the abdomen and around the hips and upper portion of the legs. The Lymph fluid is a crucial part of our immune system and it is essential that is able to do its job as efficiently as possible for us to maintain good health and vitality.

By stimulating our Lymphatic system and circulation and preventing a buildup of wastes and toxins, we can actually reduce the bumpy look of cellulite that often appears under the surface of the skin.

Dry Brushing – 5 mins Prior to moisturizing use a natural bristle brush to gently stroke up the body towards the heart to boost circulation and promote increased cellular regeneration.

Light and Gentle Oil Massage –Massage Juniper oil into the areas where cellulite is most predominant to relieve fluid retention and assist in drawing out toxins from the fatty tissues beneath the surface.

Contrast showers –Alternating the shower between hot and cold causes the blood and Lymph vessels to contract and dilate creating a pumping effect that enhances circulation.

Rebounding – 5 mins Bouncing on a mini trampoline for at least 15 minutes per day will help to stimulate the drainage systems of your Lymphatic system resulting in smoother skin.

Avoid tight fitted garments –Avoid restrictive clothing and undergarments during the day and don’t wear bras when you are sleeping as it restricts the flow of the Lymph fluid.

Exfoliate to let the skin breathe –Try mixing coconut oil or natural yogurt with crushed nuts, sea salt or organic coffee, massage into problematic areas of skin to open pores and remove dead skin cells.

To take it to the next step you can try the Kick-Butt Cellulite Redux program.

It is not a weight loss or a gym program, but a training schedule based on home exercises designed specifically to get rid of cellulite and is great for people who are skeptical towards creams, massages and other types of treatments.

With this program you will receive a great eBook with tons of great information about cellulite and how to cure it, videos with training routines targeting cellulite, and also bonus videos on how to tone your stomach and arms. Oh I almost forgot, one very valuable thing about the eBook you'll be getting is that it contains in-depth information about the latest cellulite reduction scams- this alone will save you a ton of cash.

There are many more things included in the program, but why don't you hear about it from Joey Atlas (certified personal trainer and author of the program) himself- Click on the button below to watch Joey's very entertaining video and learn more about this amazing cellulite reducing system.

Did Wrangler Really Create Jeans That Get Rid Of Cellulite?

It seems like you can't open a women's magazine in this country without having some skincare expert tell you how important it is to moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. Now a new line of jeans from Wrangler claim to be the end to all your skincare woes.

On January 28, through popular British e-tailer ASOS, Wrangler has released a special line called "Spa Denim" with built-in moisturizing properties and one pair with an anti-cellulite treatment.

We're just not so sure that these "cure-all" jeans are any different from other quick-results products like shape up shoes, or the hundred-dollar cellulite creams that we shamelessly keep buying and are constantly disappointed by. How much money have you spent on creams that never work?

The brand will offer three varying styles in differing waist cuts of low, medium and regular. The Aloe Vera style claims to soothe sensitive skin, with a cooling sensation. The Olive Extract style is a straightforward moisturizing treatment.

 The third style is undoubtedly the most controversial. Called the Smooth Legs style, these claim to reduce the appearance of cellulite. "Infused with algae extracts, retinol and caffeine, the style was clinically tested by the Institut Adriant in France, where after four weeks of wearing the jeans for eight hours a day, five days a week over six weeks, 69 per cent of the panel claimed that the appearance of their thighs had improved," according to an article in the UK's Telegraph.
But the facts of this study aren't clear. Was there a control group? Who would wear the same pair of jeans every single day? We consulted a few experts to see whether these anti-cellulite jeans are really worth their salt.
"It's impossible to for an anti-cellulite product to work through jeans. The doses needed can never be delivered this way," Dr. Esra Ogru told Yahoo! Shine. "As a skin expert and a molecular biologist there is no data or science to support these types of products. They purely rely on marketing without any credibility."

 Other experts, however, attribute any improvement to the tight material. "Any squeezing of cellulite as from tight clothing, wraps, deep massage all can temporarily improve the appearance of cellulite by pushing the fat back in the small pockets of connective tissue," Dr. Jeffrey Benabio, Physician Director at Kaiser Permanente in San Diego, told Shine. "Any results are likely to be temporary though, and purchasing these jeans just for the cellulite benefit might not be worth the money."

"In general, cellulite treatments have been disappointing," Dr. Amy Derick, an instructor of clinical dermatology at Northwestern University, told Shine. "The details of this study are unclear, and it might simply be an effect of wearing tight jeans." In other words, it seems like slathering on an anti-cellulite cream and then wearing tight pants might result in the same temporary fix.

 According to Wrangler, the treatment lasts up to 67-95 wears, but that means you can't wash these puppies. Dirty jeans might be a deal breaker for some, though you can purchase refill sprays to refresh the treatment on the inside of the jeans if you are so inclined.

It's every woman for herself when it comes to these miracle treatments. It might be a good idea to do a price comparison between whatever moisturizer or anti-cellulite cream you use and these jeans, which retail for $136. Or you could just listen to doctors who say that cellulite is natural, and there's no way of getting rid of it completely.

Adding insult to injury, Mick Jagger's daughter Lizzie is the spokesperson for the "Spa Denim" line, and swears it leaves her legs feeling "more silky than usual." Frankly, we're fairly certain she's never needed a cellulite treatment in her life.

To take it to the next step you can try the Kick-Butt Cellulite Redux program.

It is not a weight loss or a gym program, but a training schedule based on home exercises designed specifically to get rid of cellulite and is great for people who are skeptical towards creams, massages and other types of treatments.

With this program you will receive a great eBook with tons of great information about cellulite and how to cure it, videos with training routines targeting cellulite, and also bonus videos on how to tone your stomach and arms. Oh I almost forgot, one very valuable thing about the eBook you'll be getting is that it contains in-depth information about the latest cellulite reduction scams- this alone will save you a ton of cash.

There are many more things included in the program, but why don't you hear about it from Joey Atlas (certified personal trainer and author of the program) himself- Click on the button below to watch Joey's very entertaining video and learn more about this amazing cellulite reducing system.

25 Things You Need To Know About Cellulite

Dimply skin is adorable on teeny baby bottoms, but when we find it on our own, it's just not as cute. Check out these tidbits about cellulite to learn the facts about what causes this type of fat and what really works if you're looking to get rid of it.

  • It's much more common in woman than in men because of the way our fat, muscle, and connective tissues are distributed. About 80 to 90 percent of women have it, including celebs like Jillian Michaels.
  • Why does it look lumpy? When fat cells push up against our skin, and the fibrous tissue that connects our skin to our muscle pulls down, it causes that uneven appearance.
  • It's most commonly seen around the thighs and tush, but it can be found on the breasts, lower belly, and upper arms as well.
  • Cellulite ranges in severity from slight bumps to an extremely wavy orange-peel texture. Some women will only see it if they squeeze their skin or when sitting down, while others may have very obvious uneven skin with deep dimples or crevices.
  • It's a myth that skinny people don't have cellulite.
  • If you have thin skin, cellulite will be more visible.
  • If you're on the pill or using another type of hormonal contraception, it can increase your risk for developing cellulite.
  • Hormonal changes that occur when you become a mother can also trigger cellulite.
Keep reading to find out what else triggers cellulite and what really helps get rid of it.

  • Opt for a smaller cup of joe, since one of the toxins in cellulite appears to be caffeine. Dehydration caused by too much caffeine can also make cellulite more noticeable.
  • Take a bath and relax. Stress may also be a risk factor.
  • Some studies show that applying retinol cream to the area helps diminish cellulite because it thickens skin, but other studies show no effect.
  • Going for a run is more effective at getting rid of cellulite than rubbing on an anticellulite cream. That's because the best way to spot-reduce cellulite is to decrease your overall body fat.
  • Yo-yo dieting can increase your risk of cellulite, so work hard to maintain a healthy weight.
  • A particular type of leg and butt exercises can reduce cellulite
  • Eat your veggies like your mom told you to, and you'll notice less dimpling. While they won't erase it, they will help you maintain a healthy weight, and the less fat on your body, the less cellulite appears.
  • Keeping your reusable water bottle filled could also help. Staying hydrated improves the texture of your skin because it helps your body release the excess fluid your body may be holding onto.
  • If you're worried about the bumpy appearance of your skin, hit the hay a little earlier. Getting regular quality sleep also helps with cellulite.
  • Put out that cigarette! Since smokers have large concentrations of cellulite, researchers believe there's a connection between the two.
  • Although the body wraps at the spa that are designed to diminish cellulite may feel good, there's no scientific evidence that they work.
  • A combination of laser, massage, radio frequency, and suction treatments may help reduce the appearance of cellulite, but these remedies are only temporary. You'll end up needing to fork over the moola for ongoing treatments in order to maintain your skin's new look.
  • Many people turn to liposuction to reduce the fat in their bodies, but you're better off saving your dough. It can't get rid of that dimply skin entirely and may even make cellulite look worse.
  • Don't drink coffee, but you can try to rub it. One unproven home remedy for decreasing the appearance of cellulite is to rub coffee grounds on the area. Since caffeine increases circulation, it's believed bringing new blood to the area will remove toxins and excess water from the area to decreasing the dimpled look.
  • It's a myth that tanning can hide cellulite. While tanned skin may make the texture of your skin look more even, when your golden hue fades, your cellulite might look even worse since UV rays damage the skin, making it thinner and less smooth. For this reason, wearing sunscreen can prevent cellulite from getting worse.
  • Age is a factor too. The older you get, the more apparent cellulite will be, since your skin loses its elasticity as you age.
  • And, like many things, genetics play a role in whether you'll have cellulite or not.
To take it to the next step you can try the Kick-Butt Cellulite Redux program.

It is not a weight loss or a gym program, but a training schedule based on home exercises designed specifically to get rid of cellulite and is great for people who are skeptical towards creams, massages and other types of treatments.

With this program you will receive a great eBook with tons of great information about cellulite and how to cure it, videos with training routines targeting cellulite, and also bonus videos on how to tone your stomach and arms. Oh I almost forgot, one very valuable thing about the eBook you'll be getting is that it contains in-depth information about the latest cellulite reduction scams- this alone will save you a ton of cash.

There are many more things included in the program, but why don't you hear about it from Joey Atlas (certified personal trainer and author of the program) himself- Click on the button below to watch Joey's very entertaining video and learn more about this amazing cellulite reducing system.