Shedding pounds and building up lean muscle is relatively simple, provided you have the willpower to stick with your exercise and healthy eating regime.
Getting rid of cellulite, on the other hand, can be much, much harder.
Nutritionists and health experts believe this build up of fat and water deposits under the skin is caused by toxins in the food we eat, so banishing the undesirable orange peel look from your thighs and butt will involve transforming your diet and giving your body a chance to cleanse itself of the toxins that cause cellulite.
Here is our list of the foods you that will help to detoxify your body and keep cellulite at bay.
Whole grains
Whole grain products, such as brown rice and granary bread, are a much better option for your thighs than refined grains like white rice and bread. Why?
Nutritionists say refined grains cause a spike in insulin levels, which can act as a signal to your body to store fat - thus contributing to cellulite. Whole grains are also high in fibre and low in fat (a winning combination in the battle against the orange peel), which will help cleanse your system and fill you up quicker, so you won't eat as much.
Raw foods
Sticking to a raw food diet is not as brutal as it sounds, and some experts claim it is one of the most effective ways to eliminate cellulite.
Eating around half your food raw (mostly fruit and vegetables) will certainly make it easier for your body to purge itself of the toxins that are thought to cause cellulite in the first place (cooking foods destroys many of their vitamins and nutrients).
And, if you make sure the other 50% of your diet is low in fat and calories, then the inevitable weight loss will make it even harder for that cellulite to cling on to your body.
Looking for easy ways to fight cellulite? Well, you can't get much simpler than drinking seven or eight glasses of water a day.
Insufficient water intake is one of the prime culprits when it comes to cellulite, especially when you substitute water for fattier beverages like fizzy drinks, alcohol and caffeine.
Water keeps your body's waste system ticking over, which in turn helps to flush all those nasty toxins from your system, so give yourself a daily target, and make sure you stick to it.
Citrus fruits
We already know that citrus fruits like lemons, limes, oranges and grapefruits are great natural cleansers, but did you know that they are also excellent at banishing cellulite?
This is because they are rich in bioflavonoids, which experts say help strengthen capillaries (small blood vessels in your body tissue) and thus prevent the dreaded orange peel.
Another great source of bioflavonoids, tomatoes are also bursting with vitamin A, which is thought to play a vital role in keeping your skin looking vibrant and healthy. Tomatoes are also a great source of antioxidants like carotene, which fight off the toxins known as free radicals.
The build-up of these toxins, which enter the body from cigarette smoke, smog and other pollutants, is thought to be a contributing factor to cellulite, so packing your diet with antioxidant-rich foods like tomatoes, dark green leafy vegetables, carrots and peppers is essential.
Herbal teas
Giving up your daily latte is anathema to some, but bear in mind that the build up of toxins in your system is a primary cause of cellulite, and it might not sound like such a bad idea after all.
Instead of coffee and regular tea, flush out your system with a hot herbal beverage like green tea, dandelion tea or, if you can find it, lemon verbena tea, which is thought to promote the smooth running of the digestive system.
Nuts and seeds
Not all fats are bad, remember. While foods heavily laden with saturated fat (sausages, pastry, cakes, biscuits and fast food) are a one way ticket to cellulite city, foods that are rich in unsaturated fats are a vital source of vitamins and minerals that will actually help you to get rid of those unwanted lumps and bumps.
Walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds are full of healthy fats and vitamin E, which is known to improve circulation and keep skin looking healthy. Small handfuls of nuts instead of chocolate or other unhealthy treats will keep you feeling full throughout the day, meaning you are less likely to put on weight in the first place.
Natural diuretics
Mmm, delicious! Nevertheless, water retention is thought to be one of the causes of cellulite, so eating foods with diuretic properties will boost the body's ability to flush out toxins and break down fat.
Celery, leafy green vegetables, carrots, onions, parsley, peppers will all help to expel all that unwanted fluid. Fruits high in potassium (such as bananas), are also thought to be adept at maintaining your body's fluid balance.
To take it to the next step you can try the Kick-Butt Cellulite Redux program.
It is not a weight loss or a gym program, but a training schedule based on home exercises designed specifically to get rid of cellulite and is great for people who are skeptical towards creams, massages and other types of treatments.
With this program you will receive a great eBook with tons of great information about cellulite and how to cure it, videos with training routines targeting cellulite, and also bonus videos on how to tone your stomach and arms. Oh I almost forgot, one very valuable thing about the eBook you'll be getting is that it contains in-depth information about the latest cellulite reduction scams- this alone will save you a ton of cash.
There are many more things included in the program, but why don't you hear about it from Joey Atlas (certified personal trainer and author of the program) himself- Click on the button below to watch Joey's very entertaining video and learn more about this amazing cellulite reducing system.
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